A brief introduction

Ginger Bear: A brief introduction.

Hello there! I'm Ginger Bear, and I'll be doing all the talking here. I'm writing this on behalf of the magical adult company, Intimate Ideas. I have been working for this company for seven years, and have had the pleasure of gaining a bounty of knowledge about sex, sexuality, and sex toys. It has been a fun time working with the others in the company, and I'm happy to say that I still enjoy my job to this day.

So what do I hope to accomplish to do here? Well first and foremost I'm making a tiny attempt at helping dispel kink shaming. No one should ever feel embarrassed entering an adult store. To this end, I hope to convey the message that all individuals should feel safe entering at least any of the physical Intimate Ideas locations. I also hope to spread knowledge and help people make informed decisions on their purchases. At Intimate Ideas we strive to stand above the rest. Were not here to bleed our customers dry, we just want everyone to go home happy and fulfilled by their experience with us so that they will return the next time they have a need.

As for my role in all of this, I am but a simple worker drone from the IT department. I started with the company as a clerk, and they have moved me around to wherever my skills are best put to use. Right now its here, with you! Lucky you. In the time that I have been with Intimate Ideas, I have gained a slight reputation for taking everything out of its packaging and learning as much as I can about. That includes sticking all the lines of dongs onto the counter and smacking them around to see who sticks the best. For the record, in my experience the Real Man man line of dongs stands up to the most abuse before the suction cup finally gives. If you ever need any advice, or want to know more about any of the products I mention please feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me and I will do my best to return any correspondence as quickly as possible. So thanks for stopping by! If you like what you read, check back from time to time as I will be regularly updating and tackling other topics.

Ginger Bear.


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